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Switching From Mouse To A Pen Tablet

Updated: Sep 18, 2018

When I started playing osu about a year ago, I didn't know much about the game. Like everyone else, I played with a mouse. I thought it was the only thing that you could use to play the game, I didn't even know that you could use the keyboard until 2 weeks after. This game was my new addiction, I wanted to get better, play much faster and have greater accuracy, so I searched some tips and tricks on how to get better at osu and looked at clips of pro players doing 9-10 star maps. I soon found out that almost everyone were using a pen tablet. Well, not really. It was more like the majority of the pro players were playing with a tablet. After 9 months of playing I switched to a pen tablet, there were some advantages and disadvantages to this so lets break it down.


There are many advantages of playing with a pen tablet:

Flexibility - playing with a tablet you get a better flexibility and a faster movement compared to a mouse. you can bend your wrist much faster and save time when doing jumps.

Space - you can adjust the area of your space and put it to your liking.

Sensitivity - you don't have to change the sensitivity so much since it recommends you to put it in 1. So you don't have to worry about accidentally changing it and having to adjust it again.

Accustomed - playing with a pen tablet will really feel like your just writing with a piece of paper. Since most of us already know how to write with a pen, it wont be hard to get used to the pen.

My Tablet ---->


This usually applies mostly to left handed players, who just switched from a mouse to a pen tablet:

Time - it takes a lot of effort and time to get used to playing right hand with a pen tablet. It's like learning how to write again.

Accuracy - You will learn that it is very hard to have great accuracy as a left handed player.

Slippery - as your hand sweats, it is much easier for a pen to slip than a mouse out of your hand.

Strains - having to put more pressure in your hand and having weird positions can give you a lot of strains in your hand more than when using a mouse.

Personally I am much better with a mouse, just because its much easier to control and have less tensions especially to left handed people like me. Of course all of this is personal preference, you would do better with a pen tablet or you would not. It is all up to you.



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